In the middle of 2019, Rocky Patel was eagerly sampling tobacco blends for a new line of cigars he wanted to create. Stumped for an original moniker and rejecting several other ideas, he provisionally named the line after a test blend he tried simply coded as “Number 6.” Eventually, the name caught on, and it soon became known in the cigar trade for its rich vibrancy and sweet tang reminiscent of old Cuban sticks.
Crafted in Rocky’s Honduran El Paraíso factory, Number 6s are medium-bodied cigars, featuring Honduran Rosado Corojo-seed wrappers (which, like these cigars’ taste, have their roots in Cuban cigars, as virtually all of the best Cubans until 1990 utilized Corojo wrappers). A shiny, silky Honduran Jamastrán binder holds together Honduran and Nicaraguan long-fillers.
The Number 6 flavors are an unusual mix of vanilla, cocoa, orange peel, black pepper and earth, with hints of cedar and other woods and a nutty, spicy finish. The cigars are elegantly presented in a striking black box adorned with gold accents and old-fashioned lettering.
Cigar Aficionado ranked the Corona vitola of this line ninth on their Top 25 list for 2020, with a 93 rating. Although the name might be Number 6, these could easily become your number-one go-to cigars if you want to satisfy your palate and experience a classic taste.